Why is it that everything always falls on the same day around here? This year the Blue & Gold Banquet was on the night of my "Stickman Class." I was really staying pretty calm, all things considered. We baked the cakes the night before and I frosted them-- Kameron's white, Britton's yellow. Britton wanted to make a spongebob cake and Kameron wanted to make his favorite book. After a run to Hursts for some cake supplies, we had about one hour to pull off TWO cakes. I thought we did pretty good, all things considered. I didn't get a picture of Britton's cake because he took it over to the church before I got my camera out. I hope someone in the ward has a shot of it because it was cute and he did it all himself with some fondant and edible markers. He made spongebob's face. Kameron had a little more help from mom and dad. I rolled and cut the fondant, Paul drew the picture, Kameron "painted" the book cover red with some red water since I couldn't find any red fondant. Personally, I thought they both turned out cute.They had a good time at the dinner. Kameron got his Wolf award. He has been waiting for it for a long time. He tried to become a Wolf in one week. ;o) Hope he keeps up his enthusiasm.
Britton got a lot of activity pins and they both got some belt loops. You have to love scouting!
Dare We Go Tracting?
9 years ago
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